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Tibbs Dementia Foundation Claimed

Helping people to live better with dementia

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Tibbs Dementia Foundation is an award-winning local Bedfordshire charity who provide social activities and support groups to people living with dementia and their carers. We have been active in Bedford Borough for 10 years now and recently took over the council-funded contract to offer dementia services in Central Beds last year. We operate in several towns and villages across the whole of Central Beds and Bedford Borough, including Leighton-Linslade. Our aim and mission is to help people to live better with dementia, reduce the stigma associated with the condition and help people living with the illness to live meaningful and purposeful lives, whilst still playing an active part in their community. We do this through offering a range of different social activity groups where the person with dementia and their family carer can both participate with others from the dementia community. Some of the activities we offer across Central Beds include; music therapy groups (singing), walking groups, Cognitive Stimulation Therapy, activity groups, online carer support groups.

We also run regular four-week workshops called Support4Memory which aims to give a comprehensive introduction to what exactly dementia is and the issues and challenges that come with it. This is free to attend and is for both carers and people living with dementia. It is especially useful for those newly diagnosed who are feeling uncertain and overwhelmed about the future and would like easy to digest information in a supportive and welcoming forum, with the ability to ask any question they like and share their own experiences if they so choose.

Having only recently taken over the contract for Central Beds, we are still finding our feet and in the process of developing new services as time goes by. Currently we offer a fortnightly walking group and a weekly Cognitive Stimulation Therapy group in Leighton-Linslade. These run on a Tuesday afternoon and a Monday morning respectively. We are also in the process of setting up a new group aimed at trialling different activities which people like to do. If there is enough interest from the community during the pilot phase, this will become permanent.

If you are interested in joining any of our activity or support groups, we would love to welcome you along! Or if you are unsure and just want some more information in order to make a decision, then we would also love to hear from you!

Tibbs is a very welcoming, friendly, and supportive community which always has space for new people. So, don’t be a stranger, come and make new friends!


Q Are your services free?

We are a small local charity with significant operating costs, so we usually ask for a suggested small donation at each activity. This is normally £2.50 per person at the walking group and £5 per person at the cognitive stimulation therapy group. However, we aim to be as inclusive as possible, so if money is a barrier to using our service, please do speak to us about this. We would prefer you come along at a reduced rate, than not at all! Please note that the first taster session is always free.

Q Can I just turn up at the activity on the day?

We request that you contact us first to advise you would like to attend one of our activities rather than show up on the day. We would like to speak to you beforehand to find out about your current situation (or the person with dementia’s situation if you are a carer) so we can ensure any groups you/they wish to join are suitable and appropriate. When you make an enquiry, our client manager will have a discussion with you to talk through your current situation and then direct you to the most appropriate groups we offer.

Q Do you offer any carer support groups in this region?

Unfortunately, we do not offer any face-to-face support groups in Leighton-Linslade, but we do have two online carer support groups which meet via the Zoom app every two-weeks. If a person is looking for a face-to-face group only, we can signpost you to an alternate local service provider who can help.

Q Do you offer transport to the groups?

Unfortunately, no. We are a small charity with limited resources and unable to lay on minibuses for our groups. However, we can signpost you to local community transport providers if transport is a barrier.

Q Do you support people with any type of dementia?

The answer is most definitely yes! We support people with all types of dementia, including the rarer forms and those who have self-diagnosed without a formal diagnosis. We also support people with mild cognitive impairment and age-related memory loss.
We support people and carers through their whole dementia journey, from initial diagnosis to end of life and beyond. Many of our volunteers are past carers who have previously been supported by us on that same journey, and after the passing of their loved-one, have decided to stay within the Tibbs community and help at our groups.

Q Can you offer personal care at your groups?

Sadly not, as our staff and volunteers are not trained in personal care and not insured to do this. Any attendee at our group will need to be independent in toileting or comfortable wearing continence pads for the duration of the session.

Q Do you offer respite care?

No. We are a social activity and emotional support charity and not a respite care provider. We can however signpost you to local services who can offer such things as a 'sitting service' or direct you to social services for a care needs assessment. Some of our groups do offer a separate space for carers to meet whilst their person with dementia is engaged in activities, such as the cognitive stimulation therapy group, so this gives the carer a short 1-hour break. However, the main aim of the group is not respite care, it is there to provide therapy for the person with dementia and give the carer an opportunity to connect and socialise with other carers to offer mutual support.

Q I am not sure if the group is for me, or for my relative with dementia. Can I/they come and try a session to see if I/they like it?

Definitely yes! We offer a free first 'taster' session to see how people get on and find out whether the group is for them. There is also no commitment required. People can dip into and out of our groups as and when they feel like coming, or are able to. All we ask is that you make us aware if you are not likely to come to the next session (unless it is a drop-in group, in which case no-one needs to book). We do not put pressure on anyone in any way to participate. Should you or your person with dementia not find the activities enjoyable, please be honest with us as we are not here to judge! If we know what the issues are we may be able to make some adjustments so you or your relative feels more happier participating in the group.

Q I have never heard of Tibbs before, are you new to Central Beds?

The answer is yes. We took over the Central Beds Council-funded contract to provide dementia activity and support services in April 2022, so we are still relatively new to the area. We are however not a new charity! We have been operating in Bedford Borough for ten years now and recently celebrated our 10th anniversary in February this year!

Q Do carers have to accompany the person with dementia to the groups?

Rather confusingly the answer is both yes and no, and this very much depends on the person with dementia and how they manage on their own. If the person is able to safely get themselves to the group and home again and is able to function and interact safely and appropriately within the group, they are very welcome to come along on their own, and indeed we do have some members who do just that. If there are any concerns about their safety getting to or from the venue, then we would ask a family or paid carer to bring them instead. The carer can then either stay with the person during the activity or collect them at the end of the session, depending on whether they need carer support whilst there. Please speak to the group facilitator if you are unsure of whether to stay or not, and they will guide you on the most suitable option.